Monday, September 29, 2008

I didn't like today...

at all.

And I feel like a complete asshole for not liking it.

Just--I have no clue how or why I am acting this way... 
Hopefully I'll be over it tomorrow.



Sunday, September 28, 2008


Okay then. Well instead of blogging EVERY DAY as I stated earlier - I'm going to Vlog every other day...hopefully.

SO! Be looking forward to my new vlogs (video blog) which will most likely appear on wed.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Hey, I'm back....

Well, after almost 3 years I have decided (well, someone decided for me ;)) to return to the blogging world. Also, due to the fact that I have no life currently; I will most likely be able to update and post daily. (For once)

So, this opening blog is just going to be as such -- an opening blog.

Looking forward to posting tomorrow....or tonight, either way I'm going to be posting an actual blog sooner or later.
